Troy Shambhala in December

screen-shot-2016-12-04-at-9-19-32-pmDear Troy Shambhala,

Three more weeks of tilting away from the sun, and the weather is getting cold. So, what are you going to do about it? Come kindle the warmth of clear seeing kindness. Sitting each Tuesday in December is from 6:30-7:30 PM, as usual. And do join us for the following extras after sitting:

Dec 6: Group dinner in downtown Troy – For real! (Mmmaybe pizza? Mmmaybe Korean?)


Dec 13: Snack Salon – Feel free to bring something to share! Food, Conversation, and Meditation is the Sakyong’s prescription. We can do all of that in one shot!


Dec 20: Audio or Video teaching from the Shambhala Buddhist tradition


Dec 27: Member Meeting – Sitting will end early so we can discuss our aspirations for 2017. Join us for some tea and snacks, and bring your ideas for the group. Not a member? Come anyway. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

See you!