Daily Archives: March 9, 2017

Troy Shambhala in March

Dear Troy Shambhala,

The Year of the Fire Bird is off to a tumultuous start. Disorder seems to be in the elements themselves. But clarity and strength remain ever-present, inviting us to take a seat. Sitting each Tuesday in March is from 6:30-7:30 PM, as usual. And do join us for the following extras after sitting:

March 7: Group dinner in downtown Troy

March 14*Sitting cancelled due to severe winter weather. Stay safe.

March 21: Replay of the Sakyong’s Shambhala Day address – We’ll end sitting a bit early to hear the Sakyong’s remarks on the new year. 

March 28: Group Book Reading – When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chödrön
Also, look for this program coming up in Albany:
How Can I Help? The Basic Goodness of Society (Weekend)
with Shastri Ellen Rook
Fri March 31st through April 2 – A great way to jump in.

See you!

