Troy Shambhala in September

Dear Troy Shambhala,

There’s a chill in the air, and the light from the sun is knocking off early each day. Time to gather our warmth for the coming winter. Time for Harvest of Peace (9/24)! Sitting each Tuesday in September is from 6:30-7:30 PM, as usual. And do join us for the following extras after sitting:

Sept 5: Group dinner in downtown Troy (Mmmaybe pizza?)

Sept 12: Snack Salon – Feel free to bring something to share! Food, Conversation, and Meditation is the Sakyong’s prescription. We can do all of that in one shot!

Sept 19The World is a Ceremony – a discussion for members and friends. This will be an opportunity to explore manifesting basic goodness in society. Our meditation is not merely an oasis from the chaos of the world. It is a valuable means of connecting with the greater community for sane social engagement. Bring your wealth of knowledge and care.

September 24Harvest of Peace Celebration at Henry Hudson Park
Hosted by Albany Shambhala, Harvest of Peace is a yearly celebration recognizing the changing of the seasons and the richness of our changing lives. It is a chance to come together as a local community to enjoy each other’s company and appreciate the wealth of our practice and the teachings of our tradition. We will also hear from the Sakyong Wangmo in a recorded address to the global community. 
For details, location, and registration, visit Albany’s website:

Please register!

Sept 26: Harvest of Peace Shambhala Sadhana Practice
This will be done in place of Troy group regular sitting practice. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche composed this practice to deepen our personal and social connection with basic goodness. The Shambhala Sadhana is a simple, powerful, and direct engagement of our inherent richness and strength. Instruction will be provided. (Please arrive on time.) We will watch the Harvest of Peace video address by the Sakyong Wangmo after practice.

See you!