Troy Shambhala in April

Dear Troy Shambhala,

Reality arrived this past month, and in response the Shambhala Meditation Group of Troy is conducting practice sessions online via Zoom. We hope you’ll join us. Meeting this way has been surprisingly rich these past few weeks. Normal time, Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30 PM.

If you have not used the Zoom meeting before, please login at 6:15 to check with the host regarding your equipment, mainly testing the mic and camera.

If you need a meditation instruction, please let us know. And, log in at 6 pm!

Write to us for arranging a (free) meditation instruction: [email protected]

Register from the course link at the side bar (or at the bottom of the page on your mobile devices.)

Take care of yourselves.

With Love,
Troy Shambhala