Category Archives: Classes and Programs
Troy Shambhala in the Winter (Still Online!)
Dear Troy Shambhala,
Since the pandemic started, the Shambhala Meditation Group of Troy has been conducting practice sessions online via Zoom. It is open to all, we hope you’ll join us. Meeting this way has been surprisingly rich these past few months. You can find the link to the meeting room below or on the side bar menu. We will continue our exploration on the foundational Buddhism teachings, the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Dharma, love-kindness, and Tonglen. Especially on training our minds to face this new reality of challenges!
Normal time, Every Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30 PM.
Starting at 6:00 PM, we introduce the meditation instruction. So if you would like a refresher on the practice, log in a bit before then. And if you know someone who wishes to learn, please tell them about our sessions. Geography is no longer an issue and everyone is welcome.
If you have not used the Zoom meeting before, please log in a few minutes early to check with the host regarding your equipment, mainly testing the mic and camera.
For the Zoom meeting info, please register, or write to [email protected]
Take care of yourselves.
With Love,
Troy Shambhala
Troy Shambhala in May
Starting at 6:00 PM, we are giving meditation instruction for the new comers. So if you would like a refresher on the practice, log in a bit before then. And if you know someone who wishes to learn how to meditate, please let them know about our sessions. Geography is no longer an issue and everyone is welcome.
Troy Shambhala in April
Dear Troy Shambhala,
Reality arrived this past month, and in response the Shambhala Meditation Group of Troy is conducting practice sessions online via Zoom. We hope you’ll join us. Meeting this way has been surprisingly rich these past few weeks. Normal time, Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30 PM.
If you have not used the Zoom meeting before, please login at 6:15 to check with the host regarding your equipment, mainly testing the mic and camera.
If you need a meditation instruction, please let us know. And, log in at 6 pm!
Write to us for arranging a (free) meditation instruction: [email protected]
Register from the course link at the side bar (or at the bottom of the page on your mobile devices.)
Take care of yourselves.
With Love,
Troy Shambhala
Special Announcement Regarding Online Sitting
Dear Troy Shambhala,
Out of an abundance of caution regarding the coronavirus, we are suspending in-person sitting at our physical location at Sage Colleges. As precious as it is to meet and practice together in our little space, there is too much unknown about the spread of the virus to continue blindly. Until we have a clearer picture of the ongoing risk, we feel that it is best to suspend and seek other ways to meet.
We are planning to set up online meeting using the Zoom meeting platform. This is a surprisingly good way to practice together, and we regularly use it in the Shambhala community.
We would like to hear your thoughts on this, and anything else. Meeting online could open opportunities to deepen our practice with multiple sessions a week, separate study groups, book groups, or special practice sessions. We hope that when we return to normalcy, we’ll have gained a valuable resource.
Looking forward to connecting with you. Any questions please email: [email protected]