Book Study Group 2019: Shambhala, Sacred Path

Centre: Troy
Coordinator: Yeachin Tsai
Price 1: USD0.00
Reading and Studying from the book written by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche: Shambhala - The Sacred Path of the Warrior

In depth book Study - Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chögyam Trungpa - Chapters by chapters.

On third Thursdays in 2019, we will study SSPW as a group. Perhaps this text has been sitting on your shelf for a while. Now is a great opportunity to crack it open. Read the chapter during the week and we will discuss it after regular sitting. Texts are available for purchase in our library. All is welcome (and feel free to drop in!)

A brief discussion will follow. Let's enjoy the wealth and brilliance of Shambhala teachings!