Monthly Archives: May 2016

Troy Shambhala in May

IMG_0088Dear Troy Shambhala,

We have recently expanded our lending library a bit, so join us to sit and bring home some dharma. Sitting each Tuesday in May is from 6:30-7:30 PM, as usual. And do join us for the following extras after sitting:

May 3: Group dinner in downtown Troy (We’re really going this time!)


May 10: Snack Salon – Feel free to bring something to share! Food, Conversation, and Meditation is the Sakyong’s prescription. We can do all of that in one shot!


May 17: Audio or Video teaching from the Shambhala Buddhist tradition


May 24: Timekeeper Training – Learn about the images and forms of the Shambhala meditation hall and support your fellow meditators with your good awareness. Timekeeping is a wonderful way to engage with your practice and put yourself on the spot.


May 31: Group Book Reading – When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chödrön

May 16, at 6:30PM:
Running (or Walking) with the Mind of Meditation
Back in action!

See you!